Nice Ladies

Dancing lets them forget about life’s difficulties. In competitions they succeed next to women a generation younger. Their energetic performance overcomes prejudices. They share a joy of movement, a sense of humour, and deep friendships.

War breaks up this atypical cheerleading team from Kharkiv, Ukraine. Sveta moves to Amsterdam with her grandson and other family, but the core of the team remains in the bombed city. The women keep in touch and support each other. But the division between those staying and those leaving is emotionally challenging.

The story of the unconventional cheerleaders is also a personal testimony of leaving one’s homeland and with it a part of one’s identity that will be difficult to reclaim.

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Nice Ladies

04/09 | 19:00

Pražský dům / Prague House
Avenue Palmerston 16, 1000 Bruxelles



About the film

TitleNice Ladies
Original Title
Original LanguageRussian, Ukrainian
Subtitles English
Film typeFull-length documentary
Year of Production2024
Country of OriginNetherlands, Ukraine
Length97 min.
Director Mariia Ponomarova
Nice Ladies